Mastering Self-Confidence!!!™
~A Very Easy and Effective Way to Build Your Self-Confidence ~
This program will greatly assist you being able to do all those things you would love to do but do not have the nerve to even attempt. Self-Hypnosis is the easiest way to get your Inner Mind to quickly reprogram itself to go from “no way” to “of course I can!” All you have to do is lie down, follow my instructions on how to do the visualizations, turn on the program and drift off in restful relaxation. Couldn’t be simpler than that!
This is the first self-hypnosis program that I wrote and produced. It has been assisting many people to master their self-confidence to the level where they can confidently walk through just about anything. Personally, I am one of those people. When I first started using the program In 1988, It was hard for me to even talk to new clients, let alone even attempting public speaking. This program has been a major contributor to my having emerged to as confident public figure. I have acted on stage, in movies and I even sang in a movie, things I only dreamed about in 1988.
I guarantee that if you listen to this program daily for at least 30 days, preferably 60 days, you will start to notice that you are automatically doing the things that you have been visualizing!
I have included my all-time best selling Restful Relaxation/Deep Sleep” program. If you have any difficulties falling to sleep, this will really assist. If you use it for a week before you use the main program, it will greatly help to quickly get you in a relaxed state.