The Inner Game Mastermind/training

“A Mastermind/Training that Guarantees To Get Out Networking and/or Cold Calling  In 8 Weeks Or Your Money Back*…!

The Training Includes Powerful Communication Techniques to Increase Client Attraction. Learn to Deliver Your Message in a Way That Persuades, Connects & Attracts Clients.

(First Two Weeks are a No Cost – No Obligation Trial)

“My new Inner Game Mastermind/training combines state of the art, inner mind transformation with solid communication and confidence building skills training and coaching. An 8 week journey from office hibernation to joyfully and confidently cold calling and networking.” ~ Jason Wittman, MPS, aka “Successful People’s Secret Weapon”

Dear Friend, Forgive my bluntness, but the fact that you’re on this page now tells me that you have problems going out to network and sell to new prospects and you WANT to solve it fast.  I don’t want to waste your time and bore you with a long sales letter. Let’s get down to the point shall we?

I KNOW how to solve your problem of presenting in public because I was in your position before. I was very frustrated back then as I could not find a PRACTICAL and FEASIBLE solution to solve getting over the fears of networking and cold calling. I searched everywhere and I got really fed up. Why? Because all the solutions were addressing the wrong problem. It wasn’t that I needed more new sales tools and techniques and lots of bright shiny objects. I had more of all of that than I needed. I participated fully in the sales masterminds but something inside kept me from picking up the phone to call new prospect and to go to networking events.

Very Frustrating!!

Because I have a background as a certified Hypnotherapist, as well as being an NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) practitioner and a Master’s level therapist, I stepped back a couple of steps and figured out what was missing. Because I know myself and am honest with my feelings, I knew that the problem was simple fear and I knew the solution.

I designed a self-hypnosis program that would reframe the way my inner mind though about networking and cold calling using the same winning formula as my long time best seller, “Maximizing Physical Potential,” a program to maximize one’s efforts in the gym. It worked! The MP3 program I developed, “The Inner Game of Sales” has produced results for me and many others.

In my beta testing of it, though, I found that for many folks wanted and needed coaching and training to fully develop a great sense of well-being, confidence and self-esteem, as well as state of the art communication techniques. They also wanted coaching as they began to develop a more public self to keep them accountable and on track.

I reached back into my years of teaching, coaching and counseling clients to become more self-confident with great self-esteem and pieced together all of those methods that I know WORK into what has turned into a full program so that folks, such as yourself, who have problems with networking, cold calling, and self-confidence/esteem can really solve them once and for all, without having to sift through all the garbage (thousands of blogs and forums) just to know which methods work. The program I developed is:

The Inner Game Mastermind

Inside The Inner Game Mastermind, you’ll discover and learn PROVEN methods that work (I know because I’ve tried and tested them, remember): We will be using what I call “The Whole Person Learning Method.”  It is a Winning One, Two Punch to Success!

  • You will learn from the Inside Out, by Effortlessly reprogramming the Inner Mind with the mp3 program and…
  • Learning from the outside in through weekly Mastermind/training meetings, via teleconferencing where you will learn and practice valuable, state of the arts communication techniques and confidence and esteem  building exercises and get coaching from me as you develop these new skills. Here is a sample of what you will learn:
    • The Rules of the mind: How to make your mind work for you.
    • Effective use of mind conditioning programs: The Secrets to tapping into the Mind’s full potential.
    • Self-confidence and esteem building exercises: Little known ways to put you on the “Fast Track” to a more confident you.
    • Powerful Speaking: Learn high powered communication techniques the pros use.
    • Overcoming Rejection: How to vanquish this fear forever!
    • A Perspective Makeover: A new way to view one’s experience of life that will change everything!
    • Psycho-semantics: How to choose words that say what you really mean.
    • The 9 environments: Learn how to make your world work for you.
    • Rapport building: How to quickly move from stranger to trusted associate.
    • Plus tons of support both from Jason, personally and from the group.

Be My Guest for a Two Week Pilot

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’m so confident that the Inner Game Mastermind/training will address your fears of networking and cold calling and greatly improve your ability to communicate what you really mean, that your investment for the first two weeks will be Zero. That’s right, Zilch!  Weeks 1 & 2 are a pilot trial. Because this is a new Mastermind, I am inviting you to attend the first two weeks with no cash investment as long as you commit to:

  • Invite your friends to join and share this on your Facebook timeline.
  • Actively participate in the discussions during the Mastermind sessions.
  • And give me feedback so I can craft the sessions to fit your needs.

I am confident that when you experience both the MP3 program, (a $67 value) that is included in the pilot and the initial Mastermind/training session you will be eager to continue for the rest of the Mastermind sessions. Because this is the first time this is being presented, your investment to continue will only be $197/month. (The next time this Mastermind will be offered, the investment will be $500/month and considering the lifetime value of even one new client that you otherwise would not have gotten, it is still a value even at that price.) By the way, the MP3 is yours to keep as a thank you from me, regardless of your decision.

“For anyone in sales who feels challenged by cold calling or personal networking, Jason’s program is top notch. I’ve critiqued it as a fellow hypnotist and use it as a client. Despite some stylistic differences, Jason is the real deal!” ~Dave Strayer,  Auto Sales & Leasing Consultant

This Is A No-Brainer

If what I have presented talks to your needs, then what I’m offering you today for my Inner Game Mastermind/training package, a no cost two week pilot/trial including the Inner Game of Sales MP3 program along with a greatly reduced investment to continue,  is really a no-brainer. So go ahead and Click Here  now to start learning how to reserve your seat for the Inner Game Mastermind/training. The next mastermind will  happen in early 2018. Email Jason at  to receive notice of the actual start date.

 ~ The next mastermind will  happen in early 2018. Email Jason at  to receive notice of the actual start date. ~



Jason Wittman, MPS “Successful People’s Secret Weapon”

Still have any questions? Email me OR Phone *If you elect to continue with the full Mastermind/training and faithfully listen to the MP3 program and participate in the sessions and after the 8 weeks are finished you are dissatisfied with the results, I will give back every cent of your investment. The only questions I will ask is what could I have done to better serve your needs.